In order to avoid the ban of using LagoFast, you must make sure that your IP address is clean and that no other player has used your account in the last 60 minutes. This is one of the requirements of LagoFast. If any players use your IP address, the matchmaking process will be suspended until the system detects that your IP address is clear. After that, the matchmaking process will resume. This is how the matchmaking process works when using LagoFast. The matchmaking process can be initiated from your lobby.
Your matchmaking session cannot be suspended if you are playing with a bot (that is, when you are playing in a private server with an offline server). Your bot can be configured to detect when the server becomes online. If the LagoFast server is detected as online, the matchmaking process is automatically started. If this does not happen, then you need to manually initiate the matchmaking process.
The matchmaking process will be performed while you are playing on the server. The matchmaking process can be terminated at any time. If you want to stop the matchmaking process, you can close your lobby. Once this is done, the matchmaking process will be terminated. To prevent yourself from being banned from using LagoFast, you must keep your IP address free.