If you are planning to work as a psychologist, first of all you need to obtain a psychological degree, which would prepare you to deal with people in different situations. You may choose psychology, psychotherapy or psychologia dziecięca.
After you finish your studies, you need to take tests in order to be accepted as a qualified psychologist. There are two basic requirements to become a psychologist: you must pass a course in psychology and you must pass psycholog Lublin a clinical examination in which you are tested on your knowledge of psychology, your practical skills and your ability to interact with children and adults. A psychologist will help you to analyze problems in people’s lives.
You will examine the people you meet and try to understand why they behave the way they do. Sometimes, psychologists will provide psychotherapy, which is like counseling. You should know that, in general, there are two types of psychotherapy: the short-term one and the long-term one.
The short-term therapy is usually done in 10 to 20 sessions. Usually, it includes relaxation exercises, cognitive restructuring and problem-solving. The long-term therapy is usually done in several appointments with a psychologist and includes techniques of exposure, which is trying to face your fear. It may include cognitive restructuring and solution-focused treatment.