We know that cramming for an exam by studying for 12 or 14 hours a day is dangerous, but in the days leading up to the test, we do it nevertheless. The challenge is finding ways to condense study time without sacrificing quality. You probably want to learn how to revise successfully and rapidly since you realised your exam is tomorrow and you are absolutely unprepared. This could be due to significant procrastination, a brutal deadline, or genuinely unexpected circumstances.
While we wouldn’t recommend cramming for your final exam on the day before it’s due, please know that there is still hope! Exam preparation can be completed in one day. However, if you are too nervous to attempt, you can leave it to the online assignment makers who can take the exam in your place. However, for those who want to DIY, keep reading.
The night before a test, use these strategies to ensure you’re well-prepared:
Get some early sleep
Only one day to get the task done? That’s when you’ve got to get it done right. You should avoid waking up at silly o’clock if you don’t want to tyre yourself out too quickly. However, you should wake up at a reasonable hour and get to work by 9 o’clock. Following all, you’ll have plenty of time to sleep after the exam.
Pick an employer you’ll enjoy working for
Even if we’d all prefer it weren’t so, the reality is that you won’t accomplish anything in bed. Although we wish it were otherwise, the fact remains. If you go to a place that you normally associate with work, you’ll get a lot more done. Get comfortable at your workstation or trudge on over to the library.
Get yourself ready for the library
Don’t discount any outcomes. Even if you only used those dry-erase highlighters once, you should keep them around just in case. You don’t want to be wasting time looking for books or notes when things become tough later on, or give yourself an out if you can’t find them.
Prepare a strategy
It’s crucial to organise your revising time in advance. Even if you just have a single day, you can accomplish a lot more if you schedule your time wisely and plan out exactly what you need to know. Instead of just cramming in random information, this strategy will be considerably more efficient.
Invest thirty minutes on outlining the scope of your presentation and determining how much time will be allotted to various sections. It may seem counterproductive to spend time doing this before a big test, but trust us: you’ll end up with a lot more time on your hands in the end if you do this.
Utilize course materials
Make good use of lecture slides and previous exams to get a sense of what will be covered on the test. After you’ve figured out the topics that are most likely to be tested, it’s time to hit the books and make some notes. Try skimming the chapter summaries and reading the important information boxes for a condensed version of the text. You can also test your knowledge by using previous exams. You don’t have to give complete explanations, but you can at least sketch out your strategies.
Review your highlighted notes
Now is the time when you should start seeing the fruits of your labour from earlier in the year. Now you can compile anything that was previously spread over your teaching slides and texts. In addition, the notes you took in class should serve as clues that help you recall even more information from your subconscious. You aren’t exactly awash in spare time (after all, this is a guide on how to revise quickly). If something isn’t helping you remember, you might want to revisit it when you have some free time.
Methods to Improve Your Memory
Unfortunately, there are instances when just skimming through the slides is not enough. You may need to resort to more creative strategies to ensure success. You don’t need to make your study notes into a full-fledged song to help you remember the material. Key information and phrases can be memorised with the use of rhymes, humorous tales, and mnemonics (such as “Never Eat Shredded Wheat” for repeating the clockwise order of North, East, South, and West).
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